Various learning techniques

Learning in Artificial Neural Networks

One of the most impressive features of artificial neural networks is their ability to learn. You may recall from the previous tutorial that artificial neural networks are inspired by the biological nervous system, in particular, the human brain. One of the most interesting characteristics of the human brain is it's ability to learn. We should note that our understanding of how exactly the brain does this is still very primitive, although we do still have a basic understanding of the process. It is believed that during the learning process the brain's neural structure is altered, increasing or decreasing the strength of it's synaptic connections depending on their activity. This is why more relevant information is easier to recall than information that hasn't been recalled for a long time. More relevant information will have stronger synaptic connections and less relevant information will gradually have it's synaptic connections weaken, making it harder to recall.

Although simplified, artificial neural networks can model this learning process by adjusting the weighted connections found between neurons in the network. This effectively emulates the strengthening and weakening of the synaptic connections found in our brains. This strengthening and weakening of the connections is what enables the network to learn.

Learning algorithms are extremely useful when it comes to certain problems that either can't be practically written by a programmer or can be done more efficiently by a learning algorithm. Facial recognition would be an example of a problem extremely hard for a human to accurately convert into code. A problem that could be solved better by a learning algorithm, would be a loan granting application which could use past loan data to classify future loan applications. Although a human could write rules to do this, a learning algorithm can better pick up on subtleties in the data which may be hard to code for.

Learning Types

There are many different algorithms that can be used when training artificial neural networks, each with their own separate advantages and disadvantages. The learning process within artificial neural networks is a result of altering the network's weights, with some kind of learning algorithm. The objective is to find a set of weight matrices which when applied to the network should - hopefully - map any input to a correct output. In this tutorial, the learning type we will be focusing on is supervised learning. But before we begin, lets take a quick look at the three major learning paradigms.

  • Supervised Learning
    The learning algorithm would fall under this category if the desired output for the network is also provided with the input while training the network. By providing the neural network with both an input and output pair it is possible to calculate an error based on it's target output and actual output. It can then use that error to make corrections to the network by updating it's weights.
  • Unsupervised Learning
    In this paradigm the neural network is only given a set of inputs and it's the neural network's responsibility to find some kind of pattern within the inputs provided without any external aid. This type of learning paradigm is often used in data mining and is also used by many recommendation algorithms due to their ability to predict a user's preferences based on the preferences of other similar users it has grouped together.
  • Reinforcement Learning
    Reinforcement learning is similar to supervised learning in that some feedback is given, however instead of providing a target output a reward is given based on how well the system performed. The aim of reinforcement learning is to maximize the reward the system receives through trial-and-error. This paradigm relates strongly with how learning works in nature, for example an animal might remember the actions it's previously taken which helped it to find food (the reward).

Implementing Supervised Learning

As mentioned earlier, supervised learning is a technique that uses a set of input-output pairs to train the network. The idea to provide the network with examples of inputs and outputs then to let it find a function that can correctly map the data we provided to a correct output. If the network has been trained with a good range of training data when the network has finished learning we should even be able to give it a new, unseen input and the network should be able to map it correctly to an output.

There are many different supervised learning algorithms we could use but the most popular, and the one we will be looking at in more detail is backpropagation. Before we look at why backpropagation is needed to train multi-layered networks, let's first look at how we can train single-layer networks, or as they're otherwise known, perceptrons.

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